August 9, 2018 Galini Breeze in the list of the 13 Best Luxury Hotels
We are really proud that Galini Breeze Hotel, designed and developed by Action Constructing, is found in the list of the 13 Best Luxury Hotels of Crete based on the guests’ ratings and reviews of Trip Advisor and Google. Thank you Marc n’ Monique for the great collaboration in this project, it has been pleasure.

Crete’s rugged natural beauty makes it the perfect setting for indulgence and luxury. “” have compiled a list of the 13 best luxury hotels of Crete based on the guests’ ratings and reviews.
In the 10th place Galini Breeze
Rethymno’s south coast is famous for its pristine, untouched beauty- a remote location the discerning traveler seeks out. This is the perfect mix of privacy and personal service. Your studio, of stone and pure white simplicity and elegance, has everything you need for a private breakfast. The studios- just four of them- share a pool. All have a fabulous mountain view. A villa on top of the hill with its own private pool accommodates a party of six. The Galini Breeze hosts get-togethers twice a week with drinks and snacks so you can swap stories and tips with the other guests. The waters of Agia Galini’s beaches on the Libyan sea are famously clear and crisp, and the brightness of the stars at night is dazzling!

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